Sunday, March 1, 2015

Blog # 4

There are countless of reasons why we need to have these conversations about race, but the main one that came to my mind was because of our future generations. Our children, grandchildren and so on, are the voice of tomorrow; it is hugely important for them to know about race for them to build their identity and also to know how to not hurt others with stereotypes that are still going on today. We must teach them not say hurtful things, to be mindful about what they say because it might hurt others.
I think that although the lesson starts at home it is important to have these conversations with members of every community you belong to. We can teach our children at home about their race and ethnicity and about how to talk to others about it but if when they are not at home they encounter racial comments as if they are okay, then they will learn that certain comments are okay elsewhere but just not at home. With home training and having the same conversations with all the communities we belong to, that could be a way I believe that can help when children are exposed to conversations about race or even racial comments.

As I was thinking about how we can make our class project matter outside our classroom, I thought that the use of social media platforms could be a great tool. By posting whatever we end up making online this can grab others’ attention. By also linking these projects to our twitter accounts we can receive feedback and attention from our followers. We could think about Google chatting with other scholars and posting that also on our twitter accounts.  

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